(Bonus!) Copy review workflow

If you’ve been following along in this guide, by now, your copy should be consolidated and centralized in Ditto, as well as integrated with your design and development workflows.

With this setup in place, your team can experience faster and more accurate copy reviews in Ditto.

For many teams, copy review takes place across a patchwork of tools (Figma comments, Slack, email, docs, etc.), resulting in unnecessary back and forth and copy and paste for every role involved.

With Ditto, you can consolidate copy feedback in one place and be rest assured that reviewers are looking at the latest version (along with visual design context). Because Ditto is built for text, reviewers will also have all the right tools, whether it’s version control, the ability to track changes and suggest edits, audit trails, and more. Your team can eliminate the time spent managing the review process and put that towards improving the copy itself.

In this guide

Invite teammates

To kick things off, invite other members of your team who also edit, review, or implement text into Ditto! In the web app, click the “invite teammates” icon in the top right, enter your teammates' emails, and write a quick message.

Now that you have some teammates in Ditto, here are some best practices for collaborating with your team in Ditto:

Keeping track of copy changes/approval

Assign status to your text

  • There are 3 status options in Ditto: 🛑 Work in Progress, 🔶 In Review, or ✅ Final.
  • Statuses from Ditto will show up in the layer names in Figma files, and developers can fetch status alongside the copy itself — so there won’t be any more questions about whether copy has been finalized.

Track text version history

  • Changes to text are automatically tracked in Ditto, so you don’t have to manually do it yourself.
  • You’ll always be able to view changes in a running timeline for any piece of text, along with exactly who made the change and when. You'll also be able to restore text to any version in the timeline.

Get notified about updates

  • You’ll get an email whenever someone tags you in a comment, or assigns you text to review.
  • You can also get notified about changes in text status, edits, comments, and more directly in Slack via our integration.

Requesting copy review

Web app

  • Open up a Ditto project.
  • Select one or more text items you’d like reviewed.
  • In the edit panel on the right, update the status to Ready for Review. Assign the text to the reviewer, and leave a comment tagging the reviewer with any specific questions or notes.

Figma plugin

  • Open up Ditto’s Figma plugin in the Figma file.
  • In the Figma file, select one or more text boxes you’d like reviewed.
  • In the Figma plugin, in the Selected tab, update the status to Ready for Review. Assign the text to the reviewer, and/or leave a comment tagging the reviewer with any specific questions or notes.

Responding to a copy review request

If you’ve been notified over email or Slack, you can click the link there to get brought to exactly what needs your addition in Ditto. Otherwise:

Web app

  • Open up a Ditto project.
  • Head to the Comments tab on the right, and toggle the display to Only Yours to view comments or suggestions that need your attention.
  • Use the filters to look at what text is Ready for Review and/or is assigned to you.
  • Clicking on a comment will bring you to that piece of text, and display a way to iterate through other comments in the project.
  • If you approve of a change, update the status to Final. Otherwise, you can leave a comment, or suggest an edit.

Figma plugin

  • Open up Ditto’s Figma plugin in the Figma file.
  • Head to the Project tab, then All Comments, and toggle the display to Only Yours to view comments or suggestions that need your attention.
  • Clicking on a comment will bring you to that piece of text, and display a way to iterate through other comments in the project.
  • If you approve of a change, update the status to Final. Otherwise, leave a comment, or suggest an edit directly.

Managing your workspace

In free workspaces, all members have the same role: editor. This means everyone can view, edit, and comment on all information in the workspace.

In Team and Growth workspaces, you'll be able to assign team members specific roles — admin, editor, or commenter — to limit access to just what’s needed. For workspaces on our Enterprise plan, admins will also be able to have granular control over exactly what data (projects, components, and variants) each member has access to.

Congrats, you've completed the getting started in Ditto guide! 🎉

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