Developer IDs in Ditto

After turning on developer mode in a project, each piece of text in that project will receive a "developer ID." These IDs are unique to each text item in Ditto. Developer IDs allow each piece of text in Ditto to be identified when exporting it from Ditto or interacting with it through our developer integrations.

Configuring developer IDs

You can configure how IDs are generated in your workspace from the developer integrations page of your Account Settings:

With these configurations, each team in Ditto can determine how they want their developer IDs to be generated.

Component IDs

Component IDs are generated based on the component’s name. 

Component ID Rules allow you to configure component ID generation as follows:

  • “Space” replacement — select from a list of characters that spaces from the component name should be replaced with in the resulting ID
  • “Forward slash” replacement — select from a list of characters that slashes from the component name should be replaced with in the resulting ID
  • Accepted characters — specify a regular expression to match against the parts of the component name that should be included in the resulting ID
  • Casing — specify how letter casing should be determined for your component IDs

If IDs for two or more components are generated in such a way that they conflict with one another, the conflicts will be resolved by appending a number to the end of the duplicate component IDs until all IDs are unique.

By default, component IDs are regenerated according to your component ID rules whenever a component name changes. To opt out of this functionality, you can disable the toggle for Automatically update ID when component's name is changed on your developer settings page.

Project Text Item IDs

For text in projects not currently attached to a component, users can generate a template to create the text item's ID based off of the text's properties, including:

  • The text itself
  • The text's block name
  • The text's group name
  • The project name

Project ID Rules allow you to configure that process as follows:

  • ID Template — build a template with placeholders that specify the type and order of text metadata to be used for generating IDs. The available placeholders are:

Project Name — the name of the project the text is in
Group Name — the name of the group the text is in
Block Name — the name of the block the text is in
Text — the value of the text itself

  • Accepted characters — specify a regular expression to match against the parts of the component name that should be included in the resulting ID
  • “Space” replacement — select from a list of characters that spaces from the component name should be replaced with in the resulting ID
  • Casing — specify how letter casing should be determined for your project IDs
  • Placeholder separator — select from a list of characters that the placeholders in your template should be joined with in the resulting ID
  • Maximum ID length — indicate the maximum length of IDs generated for text in projects

If IDs for two or more pieces of text are generated in such a way that they conflict with one another, the conflicts will be resolved by appending a number to the end of the duplicate developer IDs until all IDs are unique.

Project ID:: Project ID's can be found after

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