Split Integration

Split is a 3rd party platform that can be used to create feature flags for experimentation, release control, and more.

Ditto's Split integration allows you to sync variants in your Ditto workspace with feature flag treatments in Split, enabling your team to keep Ditto as the single source of truth for your copy and tighten the A/B testing feedback loop while iterating on product text.


First, identify the workspace you’ll be integrating with Ditto. On the Admin Settings page, navigate to Workspaces and click the Copy button next to the ID of your chosen workspace.

Store the copied value somewhere where you can easily access it later.

Next, identify the environment that you’ll be integrating with Ditto. On the Admin Settings page, navigate to All environments to see a list of the environments that are available.

This time, copy the name of the environment (not the ID) and store it somewhere where you can easily access it later.

Finally, you’ll need an API key, which Ditto will use to communicate with the Split API. On the Admin Settings page, navigate to API keys, click the Actions button in the top-right corner, and click Create Admin API key.

For extra security, it’s a good idea to scope your API key to the specific workspace and environment that will be part of the integration.

You now have everything you need to configure the integration. Navigate to Ditto’s Integrations page, find the Split card, and click Open.

Paste your API key, workspace ID, and environment name in the corresponding inputs of the modal, then click Set Up Connection.

If you’ve provided valid credentials, a modal will open for managing how Ditto syncs with Split.

On the left, you’ll see a list of feature flags from your Split workspace. On the right, you’ll see a list of variants in your Ditto workspace.

Click the checkboxes to indicate which Ditto variants should be synced to Split as treatments on the currently selected feature flag.

Click different feature flags in the left nav to configure their synced variants on an individual basis.

When you’re satisfied with your changes, click Update Connection.

In Split, you should be able to see that the selected variants from Ditto have now been synced as feature flag treatments.

You can revisit the Split connection at any point in the future to sync additional variants, remove variants previously synced, or update your credentials.

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